Wild Deer Resource Scotland
This website is a gateway to all of the research and information currently available about wild deer in Scotland. It has been organised around the five 'Scotland's Wild Deer: A National Approach' (WDNA) priorities, allowing you to filter the information based on your interests.
This website was created as part of the Wild Deer Research project, a joint NatureScot/Scottish Forestry/Scottish Government project awarded funding through the Scottish Government's Contract Research Fund.
All the research. In one place.
To get started, click on one of the WDNA priorities below to browse the information. Or, view All Priorities to view the whole database.
On each page, you can apply filters based on geographical location and keywords to refine your search.
You can also browse the Other Resources to explore other websites and tools that offer information about managing wild deer.
Collaboration & Deer Management Planning
- Build on work to develop conflict management tools;
- Ensure robust deer management planning;
- Promote and implement the Code of Practice on Deer Management;
- Raise awareness of the need for effective deer management;
- Establish a shared, trusted and high quality knowledge base associated with wild deer.
Healthy Ecosystems
Healthy Ecosystems
- Contribute to the 2020 Challenge for Scotland’s Biodiversity;
- Carry out work to mitigate against, reduce and adapt to the effects of Climate Change;
- Contribute to achieving Favourable Condition status for designated features;
- Differentiate between herbivore impacts.
Lowland & Urban
Lowland and Urban Deer
- Improve understanding of deer population dynamics;
- Develop different options for deer management planning;
- Co-ordinate, make available and use current data on lowland and urban deer;
- Understand public perception of urban and lowland deer.
Economic & Community Development
- Encourage diverse economic opportunities associated with wild deer;
- Understand the costs and benefits of deer management;
- Develop appreciation and understanding between access and deer management;
- Build on work to address deer vehicle collisions and human disease risks;
- Improve understanding of deer impacts on agriculture and forestry.
Training & Welfare
Training and Wild Deer Welfare
- Ensure a strong skill base in deer management;
- Understand, promote and deliver wild deer welfare.
All Priorities
All WDNA Priorities
- View research and references from all five of the WDNA priorities.
Other Resources
You can also browse a number of other resources that contain a lot of useful information about wild deer.
Web Resources
Scotland's Environment
Scotland's Environment Website is a gateway to information about the environment in Scotland. It brings together information and data from a range of organisations involved in protecting and improving Scotland's environment.
Scotland's Wild Deer: A National Approach
WDNA: A National Approach is Scotland's framework to guide local decision-making and improve delivery of deer management. The WDNA website contains a range of documents and actions plans dedicated to delivering the framework.
Useful Tools
Deer Aware
Deer Aware is an interactive site designed to provide basic information about how to avoid collisions with deer on the road, and a form for reporting incidents.